Fallopian Tube Flushing

Iodised poppy seed oil flushing is a procedure performed in the Shire IVF local procedure rooms, where the endometrial cavity and fallopian tubes are flushed with the oil contrast to essentially ‘wash out’ the affected areas. Studies have suggested this procedure is particularly effective for women ho have unexplained infertility or suffering from endometriosis. As well as this, studies suggest there may be a “uterine bathing effect” which decreases endometrial inflammation and assists with implantation of embryos.

Patients suffering from these diagnoses make up a large portion of Shire IVF and Dr Sonya Jessup’s patient base, many opting to undergo flushing prior to starting any traditional fertility treatment cycles. Iodised poppy seed oil can be used to enhance natural conception before having to 

Iodised Poppy Seed Oil has been used for many decades to check whether a woman’s fallopian tubes are open. Dr Jessup has been using Iodised Poppy Seed Oil for over 10 years and has seen remarkable results both for women seeking to conceive naturally and for women with a number of failed embryo transfers. 


Most people tolerate the flush well and it does not cause any significant discomfort, however you are advised to take some painkillers (two paracetamol) about two hours before. During the procedure, a vaginal speculum is inserted and imaging with a vaginal ultrasound scan is used. A small soft plastic catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity and up to 10ml of the Iodised Poppy Seed Oil medium is infused into the uterine cavity under a small amount of pressure. If the fallopian tubes are open, the oil can be seen to flow through the tubes and spill out around the ovaries, If the fallopian tubes are blocked, either the uterine cavity or the tubes themselves can be seen on ultrasound to be distended with the oil. This procedure will usually be performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle to ensure the woman is not in the very early stages of a natural pregnancy.
The procedure takes place in our treatment rooms on site, as is a generally safe procedure with minimal intrusion or pain. Iodised Poppy Seed Oil contains iodine and such, should not be used in women with an allergy to iodine. it is important to monitor thyroid function after the procedure as some women experience mild clinical hypothyroidism in the short term. To avoid infection, vaginal swabs are taken prior to the procedure or antibiotics are given after the procedure. In general, the Iodised Poppy Seed Oil procedure is safe, effective and minimally invasive.
Flushing with Iodised Poppy Seed Oil for Unexplained ( and Endometriosis related) Sub-fertility by Hysterosalpinography: a randomised trial, showed that in couples with unexplained infertility, 10% conceived naturally in the following 6 months. What was more interesting was that in the mild endometriosis group the pregnancy rate at six months was 48%. Find more info here - https://www.shireivf.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Lipiodol-position-statement.pdf