Recurrent Implantation Failure

Studies refer to recurrent implantation failure as cases in which women have had three failed IVF transfer with ‘good’ quality embyros. That is, the embryos, eggs and sperm are all of good enough quality they should reasonably result in a pregnancy and therefore the medical condition may be related to the woman’s body working against embryo implantation. 

There may be numerous reasons why someone may suffer from recurrent implantation failure, however Dr Sonya Jessup has significant experience managing treatments in this diagnosis and works closely with each patient to find the most effective option for their situation. Procedures like uterine lining timing tests or using tools like embryo glue are just some of the options available to support the ongoing success of pregnancy in recurrent implantation failure patients and are available at ShireIVF.


Recurrent Implantation Failure is the term used for women who have had three failed IVF transfers with ‘good’ quality embryos. In essence, it means the patient has had the best possible set of circumstances to get pregnant, yet it is not eventuating.
There is no predetermined set of criteria or tests that can help a specialist diagnose RIF prior to attempting to conceive. Unfortunately, the only way to get a diagnosis is for the patient to show symptoms through recurrent miscarriage or negative pregnancy tests. It is also important to rule out any other reasons that can be attributed to getting pregnant such as low AMH, STIs or other fertility concerns.
Recurrent Implantation Failure refers to woman who has had three failed IVF transfers with ‘good’ quality eggs. This suggests the woman has already sought IVF treatment due to prolonged conception attempts for her age without success. For ShireIVF we suggest seeing a specialist if you are under the age of 35 and have been trying unsuccessfully for 12 months or over the age of 35 and have been trying unsuccessfully for 6 months.
The first thing you should do (if you haven’t already) is to seek advice from a fertility specialist regarding your options. There are a wide range of tests required to determine whether the cause of miscarriages is due to abnormal embryos of the factors affecting the implantation of embryos. Testing for blood clotting abnormalities including MTHFR. Abnormalities can provide valuable information leading to treatment of ongoing pregnancies.